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Daly City Islamic Center

Donate Online

You can donate through the DonorBox window, which allows you to donate once or periodically. It also provides a complete and detailed report of all the donations you make, which will be available in the future through your account when needed.

Be Part of this Dream

Do not hesitate  for a moment to be part of  accomplishing  the dream  of building the Islamic Center in Daly City. With the contribution of all, we can transform this dream into a reality. Your contribution is an investment in empowering  the  future of our children and strengthening their religious identity.

How You Can Contribute 

The assistance in building the Islamic Center of Daly City is not limited to financial  support but extends to the time and effort  needed to  raise funds and build the center. If you have the ability to help in any capacity, please  reach out to us; we will be in contact with you immediately. 

For the Future of our Children

For their Islamic Identity 

Black and White Mosque
Masjid Activities 

The mosque will be keen to provide all religious, cultural, and educational activities that fulfill the needs of the community. The center is founded on the idea of Islam as a way of life that permeates all the aspects of our day to day activities. It gives everything we do the spiritual dimension and eternal meaning that transcends its value. 

Prayer Services
Religious Upbringing 

There is no sense of gratification greater than the one we experience  when we hear our children reading verses from the Quran, performing prayer, or acting in a manner that embodies the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Islamic education is at the core of this Center and its  foundation. The Center will dedicate all the necessary resources and energy to deliver it in best  learning environment. 

Helping Hands

The Islamic Center in Daly City will provide services that touch the various needs of the community, ranging from religious rituals to family counseling and other services that enhance the family bonds and social and fabric of the community. It will offer the social and psychological support to help the members of the community, especially young people, cultivate the principles and values ​​of Islam, in light of the challenges they face in reaffirming their religious identity. 

About Us

The establishment of the Daly City Islamic Center aims at creating a space in which the Muslims  of Daly City and neighboring cities can practice their religion in a healthy environment where everyone has a genuine sense of belonging.


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7330 Mission St

Daly City, CA 94014

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© 2018 by Daly City Islamic Center

نبذة عنا

تأسيس المركز الإسلامي في ديلي سيتي يهدف إلى خلق مكان يستطيع من خلالة أبناء ديلي سيتي والمدن المجاورة ممارسة شعائرهم الدينية والهوية والتربية الإسلامية في مناخ صحي بعيد عن أي انتماءات سياسية وتكتلات مذهبية أو عقائدية أو قومية. وهو معني بالدرجة الأولى بجيل الشباب ومن هم دون الشباب لأنهم النواة الحقيقية للجالية و مستقبلها القادم.



7330 mission St 

Daly City CA 94044

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© 2018 by Daly City Islamic Center

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